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Governor Brown has signed AB 537.  This bill makes the following changes to the MMBA: a) requires a tentative agreement to be approved by the governing body within 30 days of presentation; and b) makes contractual arbitration subject to the California Arbitration Act.

Here’s a summary of other legislative action:

  • AB 25: Prohibits public agency from asking a job applicant to disclose social media password(s).  Passed Legislature on 9/11/13.  On Governor’s desk.  Still in Senate.
  • AB 218:  Prohibits public agency from asking a job applicant to disclose criminal conviction history until the agency has determined the applicant meets the minimum employment qualifications.  Passed Legislature on 9/12/13.  Signed by Governor.
  • AB 537:  Makes various changes to the MMBA, including: a) prohibiting ground rules that limit the ability of union negotiators to communicate directly with the employer’s governing body (Note: this provision was deleted from the version sent to the Governor); b) requiring tentative agreement to be approved by the governing body within 30 days of presentation; and c) makes contractual arbitration subject to the California Arbitration Act.  Passed Legislature on 9/12/13.  Signed by Governor.
  • AB 616:  Amends MMBA to require PERB to certify that an impasse exists before allowing the parties to proceed to factfinding.  Did not pass Assembly by August 30 deadline.
  • AB 641:  Allows family child care providers to unionize.  PERB would have jurisdiction.  CalHR would negotiate on behalf of the State.  In Senate – Inactive.
  • AB 729:  Would establish a evidentiary privilege for union representative-represented employee communications.  Passed Legislature on 9/6/13.  Veto.
  • AB 1181:  Requires MMBA employers to provide reasonable time off to union representatives for bargaining, testifying at PERB hearings, and testifying at personnel and/or merit commission hearings.  Signed by Governor on 9/9/13.
  • AB 1263:  Allows medi-Cal certified medical interpreters to unionize.  PERB would have jurisdiction.  CalHR would negotiate on behalf of the State.  Passed Legislature on 9/11/13.  Veto.
  • SB 313:  Amends POBOR to prohibit punitive action against peace officer solely because peace officer is on a Brady list.  Passed Legislature on 9/12/13.  Signed by Governor.
  • SB 765:  Amends EERA to allow a supervisory peace officer employee to join or participate in a rank-and-file unit.  Vetoed by Governor on 8/19/13.

This entry was posted in Legislation, News.

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