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City of Lompoc v. Lompoc Police Officers Association; Lompoc Police Officers Association v. City of Lompoc  (2014) PERB Decision No. 2328-M (Issued on 10/3/14)

On June 13, 2013, PERB held its first oral argument since 2004.  The issue before the Board was whether PERB has authority to issue a remedial order in a case involving a “mixed” bargaining unit that includes non-peace officers and peace officers.  It is a fairly esoteric issue but with potential wide-ranging consequences.

In a decision issued on October 3, 2013, PERB reported that the parties had reached a settlement in this case and that both parties had requested that the underlying unfair practice charges be withdrawn with prejudice.  PERB granted the request.

While I’m disappointed that there will be no decision on the issue argued in June, I’m glad that the parties were able to reach a resolution.

This entry was posted in PERB Decision.

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