Update on Regulatory Packages
At its meeting on December 12, 2019, PERB’s Board instructed staff to move forward with its EFile regulations. The Board had previously instructed staff to move forward with proposed regulations on the State Mediation and Conciliation Service, continuances, and recusals. Once staff have prepared these regulatory packages they will be sent to the Office of Administrative Law to begin the formal process under the Administrative Procedure Act.
Stakeholder Meeting on February 6, 2020
As part of PERB’s continued efficiency initiative, the Board announced that it would hold a public meeting for stakeholders after its regular Board meeting on February 6, 2020. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss PERB’s expedited decision process and potential training for pro per litigants. So please hold that date!
E-PERB Coming in 2020
By February 2020, the Board is hoping to launch “E-PERB”, its electronic filing and docketing system. Once this system is up and running, virtually all service of pleadings will be done electronically via email. I’m really looking forward to the new system, except for one thing: We will no longer get that extra five days to respond to pleadings sent by mail under CCP 1013. So practitioners beware!
This entry was posted in PERB News, Regulations.
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