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Marysville Rule: Weakened But Still Alive

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City of Culver City (2020) PERB Dec. No. 2731-M (Issued on 6/10/20)

At issue in this case was a change by Culver City’s police department regarding when employees take a lunch break. For many years, the police department allowed employees to combine their two 15-minute paid rest periods into a single half-hour paid meal period in lieu of an unpaid meal period of one hour. The city relied on contract language to make a change requiring employees to take an unpaid meal period of one hour. Thus, before the change an employee on a 4/10 work schedule worked 10 hours a day, which included a 30-minute paid lunch period. After the change, the same employee’s schedule was 11 hours, which included an unpaid meal period of one hour.

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PERB Launches Electronic Filing System

The Public Employment Relations Board has launched a new electronic filing and case management system. The "ePERB Portal" provides an additional way to initiate new cases, file and access documents in existing cases, and can check the status of any matter pending before PERB. Note, case records predating November 1, 2019 are still not fully digitized and accessible on ePERB. To use the ePERB Portal you have to sign up for a free account here. However, individuals without an account can still check the "docket" and scheduled events for cases. While the ePERB Portal will quickly become the preferred method…

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PERB End of Fiscal Year Numbers for 2019-20

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Overview: PERB issued 101 decisions

PERB’s fiscal year ended on June 30. According to PERB’s website, PERB issued 101 decisions which was the most decisions issued since fiscal year 2004-05. More details on the year will be included in PERB’s annual report which is due on October 15, 2020. Until then, I have some addition numbers that might be of interest to practitioners

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PERB Explains Continuing Violation Doctrine

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County of San Diego (2020) PERB Dec. No. 2721-M (Issues on 5/22/20)

At issue in this case was a County policy prohibiting Members of the Board of Supervisors from discussing with employees any matter that was also the subject to union negotiations. The union challenged the policy even though it had been in place for many years. The Office of the General Counsel dismissed the unfair practice charge as time-barred. The union appealed to the Board.

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PERB: Decision to Conduct Open v Internal Recruitment is Negotiable

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City of Santa Maria (2020) PERB Dec. No. 2736-M (Issued on 6/30/20)

In this case the Board held that a city’s decision to conduct an open recruitment (one open to outside candidates) versus an internal recruitment (one limited to city employees) was within the scope of bargaining. This was an “easy” decision for the Board. However, to understand how the Board got to this decision you will need a little history…

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